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Gifted People Service × Prometheus Art Gallery

Jayden Chen, 9 yrs old

Jayden Chen, a 9-year-old prodigy, possesses an extraordinary talent for painting. Despite facing challenges associated with autism, his artistic prowess is nothing short of astonishing.


Since the age of 5, Jayden has shown a keen interest in painting. For him, painting is not only a means of expressing his emotions but also a bridge to communicate with the world. His works are filled with unique imagination and sensitivity, each painting seemingly an expression of his innermost emotions.


According to Jayden's mother, he has a great passion for painting and often engages in it daily. Sometimes he references other artworks, while other times he depicts characters from cartoons or toys. Jayden has his own preferences in painting; for instance, he dislikes adhering to the instructions of teachers and instead unleashes his imagination to depict things he likes. He conceptualizes while painting, processing the images he sees in his mind to create his own artworks.


Jayden's mother hopes he can continue to develop in the field of painting, yet she worries about the future, fearing the day when he might lose interest in it. To facilitate Jayden's growth in painting, they sought help from a teacher last year to lay a foundation, but the teacher returned to their home country after a short period. Now Jayden continues his artistic journey on his own.


His artworks vary in style, sometimes vibrant and abstract, sometimes delicately depicting natural scenes, and sometimes simple outlines without embellishment. With his brushstrokes and colors, he creates vibrant worlds that immerse viewers.


Although Jayden may encounter difficulties in verbal communication, his brush speaks volumes about his innermost feelings. His works not only showcase his artistic talent but also convey his emotions and thoughts from deep within.


Through this art exhibition, we have the opportunity to delve deeper into Jayden's world, appreciating his unique and beautiful artistic creations. Let's applaud this young artist and cheer him on for his future creative endeavors!

在过去的一年里,大流行在很大程度上改变了我们的生活。身体上的隔离加剧了我们社会的不平等和人际关系的分离。通过与多伦多当地多家独具特色的咖啡馆合作,“Grab a Cup of ART”展览希望将温暖治愈的艺术作品带入社区,走进人们的视线,让年轻艺术家有机会与在帮助当地企业的同时公开。

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